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I have been conducting sponsored research in Transportation Engineering since 2008. I have successfully designed and completed various transportation engineering studies to provide scientific foundation for existing or new policy, practice and design manual. It has given me a rich experience and understanding of how I as a traffic engineering can make a difference in the world by serving all users of surface transportation systems.

Graduate Research Assistant                                                                 Auburn University, 08/2014 – 12/2018

  • Traffic Data Study of Wrong-way Driving (WWD) Crashes in Alabama, funded by Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT), including 1) Phase I: Studied WWD Crashes on Freeways in Alabama and; 2) Phase II: Studied WWD Crashes on Multilane Divided Highways in Alabama, funded by ALDOT                                                                                             – Extracted and compiled crash dataset.
    – Collected and processed crash and field data.                                                                                                                   – Performed on-site audits and inspections.                                                                                                                           – Conducted comprehensive crash analysis through qualitative and quantitative research methods and tools.                  – Identified crash contributing factors and developed both short-term and long-term countermeasures.                            – Documented process in detail for grant reporting and technical publications.                                                                   – Interpreted and presented research results.
    – Assisted in design, develop, and disseminated training workshops for ALDOT.

  • Evaluating Effects of Intersection Features to Develop Innovative Countermeasures for Wrong-Way Driving Crashes, funded by AU, including:                                                                                                                                                        1) Comparison of Green Ball and Green Arrow for Reducing Wrong-Way Incidents at Interchange Terminals;                  2) Improve Sight Distance at Signalized Exit Ramp Terminals of Partial Cloverleaf Interchanges to Reduce Wrong-Way Entries;                                                                                                                                                                                   3) Relationship between Geometric Elements and Wrong-Way Crashes at Partial Cloverleaf Interchange Terminals; and 4) Effects of Median Widths on Potential Wrong-Way Incidents on Divided Multilane Highways; and                                 5) Investigating the Role of Access Management Strategies in Wrong-Way Driving Reduction in the Vicinity of Freeway Interchanges                                                                                                                                                                            – Designed and developed surveys for data collection.                                                                                                         – Analyzed survey and interview data using various statistical analyses.                                                                              – Conducted focus groups interviews and surveys with project participants to solicit project feedback.                             – Analyzed data ranging from simple data aggregation via statistical analysis to complex data mining and regression.    – Applied various statistical analyses, geographic information system (GIS) tools, and Safety Analyses methods.             – Created Three-Dimensional (3D) Simulation Models for data collection and data analytics.                                              – Interpreted results using a variety of techniques and visualization tools.
    – Prepared process in detail for research documents.

  • A Safe System Approach to Reduce Wrong-Way Driving Crashes on Divided Highways by Applying Access Management and Traffic Safety Culture                                                                                                                                    – Introduced Traffic Safety Culture and Access Management strategies that are not usually involved for wrong-way study.                                                                                                                                                                                        – Identified and explained the issues associated with wrong-way incidents on divided highways.                                      – Developed potential countermeasures to eliminate wrong-way crashes on divided highways.                                          – Interpreted how Traffic Safety Culture and Access Management may be integrated into potential countermeasures.      – Recommended professionals to consider Traffic Safety Culture and Access Management when undertaking their own crash mitigation initiatives for achieving Vision Zero.                                                                                                              – Prepared process in detail for research documents.

  • Member Business Opportunities in Autonomous and Connected Vehicles, funded by American Traffic Safety Services Association (ATSSA)                                                                                                                                                                – Conducted comprehensive literature reviews.                                                                                                                     – Analyzed survey and interview data using various statistical analyses.                                                                              – Interpreted results using a variety of techniques and visualization tools.                                                                            – Conducted focus groups, interviews, and surveys to solicit participate in data collection efforts and project feedback.  – Prepared professional grant reporting and project documents.

  • Innovative Safety Research Based on Naturalistic Driving Study (NDS) Dataset, funded by AU, including:                       1) Evaluation of Intersection Balance at Interchange Terminals for Preventing Wrong-Way Movements Utilizing Naturalistic Driving Study Data;                                                                                                                                             2) Study on Effects of Median Opening Features on Driver Behavior on Divided Highways Using NDS Data;                    3) Effects of Intersection Spacing on Driver Behavior Using NDS Data; and                                                                        4) Interchange Deceleration Lane Design Based on Naturalistic Driving Speed and Deceleration Rates                            – Provided backgrounds, applications, limitations, and benefits of NDS to address critical traffic safety issues.                 – Identified data needs and data analysis methodologies for each project.                                                                           – Collected and processed NDS data including video data, sensor data, and survey data.                                                 – Performed Data Reduction and Data Validation.                                                                                                                  – Applied various GIS tools, Safety Analyses methods, and statistical analyses.                                                                  – Interpreted results using a variety of techniques and visualization tools.                                                                            – Prepared process in detail for research documents.

  • Preventing Vehicle Departures from Roadways, funded by ATSSA                                                                                       – Conducted comprehensive literature reviews.                                                                                                                     – Collected inputs by the technical review ATSSA panel members.                                                                                      – Developed six implementation examples out of the total of fourteen examples in the study, including Raised Pavement Markers, High Friction Surface Treatments, Breakaway Signs and Lighting Support, Dynamic Speed Feedback Signs (DSFS), Shoulder Widening, and Safety Edge.                                                                                                                       – Authored and Compiled synthesis reports for ATSSA.

  • Traffic Data Analytics and Traffic Operation and Planning for the City Of Auburn                                                                 – Collected traffic volume data, roadway geometric data, and traffic signal timing data by field review and GIS tools.       – Processed raw data for inputting in simulation model building.                                                                                           – Analyzed traffic operation and planning using traffic modeling software (HCS, TSIS, Synchro, and VISSIM).                    – Optimized of traffic operation of intersections and interchanges with simulations.                                                             – Recommended ways to improve operation of intersections and interchange terminals.                                                     – Authoring planning documents to improve transportation safety or operation efficiency.


Graduate Research Assistant                                                 Mississippi State University, 08/2012 – 05/2014

  • Analyzing the Impact of Intermodal-Related Risk to the Design and Management of Biofuel Supply Chain Network, funded by U.S. National Science Foundation

      – Identified data sources, collected and processed data for use in transportation systems analysis.

      – Studied correlation patterns of infrastructure disruptions by natural hazards.

      – Applied various statistical analyses and GIS tools.

      – Developed a disruption probability generation model of infrastructure locations due to natural disasters.

      – Applied multiple software and programming skills to solving models and visualizing results.

      – Prepared process in detail for research documents.

  • Measured access to organic food in an urban municipality in New Orleans, funded by MSU

      – Applied multiple classic regressions and spatial regression analyses to measure the accessibility of whole food stores.

      – Identified quantitative relationships between multimodal transportation infrastructure and health of people.

      – Applied various statistical analyses and GIS tools.

      – Proposed planning strategies and projects to improve health by investing on multimodal transportation systems.

      – Prepared process in detail for research documents.


Undergraduate Research Assistant                                   Harbin Institute of Technology, 02/2009 – 07/2012

  • Intelligent Transportation Systems Laboratory

      – Reviewed literatures regarding history, research, and application of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS).

      – Studied and summarized the development and prospects of Autonomous and Connected Vehicle Systems .

      – Prepared process in detail for research documents.

      – Interpreted and presented research results.

  • Traffic information collection and analysis based on cell dwell time (CDT) using mobile phones as probes

    – Used mobile phones as probes for traffic information collection based on CDT

    – Applied the traffic flow theory to estimate traffic parameters

  • Study on speed estimating methods for pavements covered with ice and snow

    – Analyzed the influence of the ice-snow covered pavement on the vehicle running speed

    – Established the influence coefficient of the steady-state speed of ice-snow covered pavements

    – Helped revise the steady-state speed models of the World Bank highway construction loan models (HDM-III)

  • Comprehensive traffic volume analysis. 

    – Collected and processed traffic volume data

  • Roadway survey and geometric design in urban areas at Harbin

    – Conducted roadway survey and highway geometric design

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